Online Web Based EHR
Centralized computing provides more easiness and has great advantages instead
keeping the records locally. Centralization of computer service provides
functions such as billing, scheduling and e-transcription.
Your critical data is always available and you can access it from anywhere of
the world just using the Internet connection. Online web access to your ehr
system enables you to view and monitor anything you wish.
Features of Web Based Electronic Health Record System
- Secure web-based portal
- Access any time, anywhere
- Nortec Online Web Based EHR is Secure
- Time Saving
- Reduce Call Volume
- Efficiencies through Automation
- Highly Customizable Portal
- Improve Cash Flow
Advantages of web based EHR Software
Security: Nortec EHR software meets all the requirements of
Server maintenance: Ongoing server maintenance is the
responsibility of Nortec Software IT Dept.
Initial investment: don not required to purchase any
expensive hardware or software, just you need a workstation which enables you to
connect your data
Operating cost: Pay only monthly fee incurred on use of web
based EHR software systems
Access from anywhere: Access from any where in the world
that has internet connectivity. Your physical location is not a constraint.
Data protection: Data protection is the main responsibility
of Nortec Software, all of its hardware and software failures
No installation or upgrades: Do not need installation the
EHR software or any of the upgrades your side, Nortec Software handle all of
Multiple locations: You can easily access it from multiple
locations around the globe, just need Internet Connection, and you can view all
of your desired data accordingly.