Electronic Health Record sellers face make-or-break year of client ultimatums and revolts, reveals 2013 Black Book survey

Black Book Rankings annual poll of nearly 17,000 active EHR users uncovered 1 in 6 medical practices could exchange out their first choice EHR by years end. Remarkably, the majority of frustrated system users blame themselves for not properly assessing practice needs before selecting their first EHR vendor with the narrow goal of receiving government incentives.

New York, NY (PRWEB) February 18, 2013 -- With unmet expectations in system features, implementations, deliverables and client support issues mounting, up to 17% of all currently implemented physician practices gear up for changing out solutions, in what may become the Year of the Great EHR Vendor Switch.

The high performance vendors that will emerge as viable past 2015 are those dedicating responsive teams to address customers current demands, said Black Books managing partner Doug Brown.

And those demand lists are growing longer and longer according to the survey responses. Users foretell of dozens, if not hundreds, of software firms underperforming badly enough to lose major market share as the industry evolves and struggling vendor solutions don't keep pace.

The independent insight Black Book gathered indicates many EHR firms have been so busy with backlogged implementations and selling product that development issues are being left on the back burner. Most concerning to current EHR users are unmet pleas for sophisticated interfaces with other practice programs, complex connectivity and networking schemes, pacing with accountable care progresses, and the rapid EHR adoption of mobile devices.

Brown upholds that the meaningful use incentives created an artificial market for dozens of immature EHR products. The sweeping Black Book survey also revealed that some popular "one size fits all" EHR products have not met the needs of several specialists and cannot continue to satisfy their client base with a lack of customizable or bespoke tools.

Nearly half of all Black Book EHR survey respondents scoring their respective vendor performances also answered the following set of questions on vendor switching.

The following aggregated responses are provided:

Are you dissatisfied enough with your EHR to consider making a change, and if so when?
35%       No
8%         Yes, but we cannot afford to abandon first/current EHR choice
2%         Yes, within 3 months
7%         Yes, within 6 months
8%         Yes, within one year
34%       Not sure, neither overly satisfied or dissatisfied
6%         Yes, but no time frame

Of those debating or confirmed to be changing EHR vendors in the next year, from what type current EHR solution would you most consider switching to?

51%        Web Based/ASP/SaaS/Hosted to another Web Based/ASP/SaaS/Hosted
12%        Web Based/ASP/SaaS/Hosted to On-Premises Solution
19%        On-Premises Solution to Web Based/ASP/SaaS/Hosted
6%          On-Premises Solution to another On-Premises Solution
12%        Unsure

Select top three compelling reasons for your practice to be considering vendor switch from current EHR?

80%    Solution does not meet the Individual Needs of this Practice, including workflow
79%    This Practice did not adequately assess our needs before selecting the original EHR
77%    Design of solution is not suited for this Practice Specialty/Specialties
44%    Vendor not responsive to requests and needs
20%    Current EHR does not adequately communicate with other EHRs
16%    Concerns that current EHR will not meet Accountable Care requirements
12%    Current vendor is too focused on meaningful use achievement
11%    Other practice software modules are not integrating with EHR
5%      Setbacks have caused delays in reimbursement or disrupt work
14%    Other

Black Book also conducted over 550 telephone interviews to drill down on the specifics of client complaints to note trends.

What three red flags are so currently compelling that current users would not consider a different EHR vendor as an option to replace the problematic vendor solution?

32% Mergers or Acquisitions occurring in this company
26% Senior Management in Disarray
22% Dissipating Market Share and Market Value
22% Internal staff have not mastered system
16% Disloyal customer base
15% Bad integrations evidence
14% Product Delays
12% History of abandoning clients
12% Past Customizations were Unaffordable
6% Overdependence on consultants for implementations and training

Features that were on EHR buyer wish lists three years ago are typically considered as basic system features now, according to those surveyed. First system implementations were decided on must haves of (in order): Document Management/Scanning/Storage, Electronic Prescribing, Order Management, Implementation Support, System Cost, and Alerts.

With these basic EHR fundamentals met, experienced users now seek innovative vendors who meet the compounding demands of practices, according to 2013 Black Book responses.

What are the top ten criteria you consider must haves in 2013 beyond basic EHR functionality? (in priority order)

84%    Vendor Viability
83%    Provider Data Integration and Network Data Sharing
78%    Demonstrable Return on Investment and Clinical Improvements
75%    Adoption of Mobile Devices including IPAD, IPHONE, Android and Tablets
66%    HIE Support, Connectivity/Interoperability
65%    Perfected interfaces with Lab, Pharmacy, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Post Acute Care
65%    Perfected interfaces with Medical Billing partners/outsourcers and Revenue Cycle
59%    System financing assistance
58%    Patient Portal
54%    Customized Workflow Management
53%    Role-based Security
50%    Enhanced Data Security, HIPAA Compliance and Patient Privacy Measures
42%    Sharing Billing and Financial Data between disparate systems
36%    Expert Coding
35%    Practice Management expertise
32%    Support evolving Accountable Care demands
31%    Automated Patient Outreach
26%    Clinical Analytics
23%    Higher Specialty Usability
23%    Decision support and population management
20%    Internal messaging
20%    Online managed care/insurance eligibility and terms
17%    Customizable templates
12%    EHR Mobility Applications and IOS Support


Does your EHR meet the needs of your individual practice specialty? NO

88% Nephrology
85% Urology
80% Ophthalmology
75% Gastroenterology
72% Orthopedics
71% Allergy & Immunology
71% ENT
54% Small Practices

Are you seeking a vendor who has demonstrated capabilities and success with vendors in your specialty as a replacement EHR?

92%     Yes
1%        No
7%        Unsure


Is your practice satisfaction with current EHR vendor at a point where you would NOT consider vendor switch in the next 12-24 months? "YES"

89% Internal Medicine
85% Family Practice
82% General Practice
80% Pediatrics
77% Oncology & Hematology
72% OB/GYN
70% Large Practices
62% Geriatrics
59% Cardiology
56% General Surgery

Black Books annual Top EHR Vendor performance results will be released February 15. More information is available at http://www.blackbookrankings.com